Hadi Rahmat Purnama, SH, LL.M.


Hadi Rahmat Purnama is a Director of Center for Human Rights Law and Gender in Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education, and Information. He is also a lecturer in Law Faculty, Universitas Indonesia since 2003. His expertise are International Law and Human Rights Law. He graduated from Law Faculty UI for his bachelor degree, WCL American University for his master through USAID scholarship. Now, he is obtaining his PhD at Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands under LPDP scholarship.

Hadi Rahmat Purnama actively participated as a Executive Director of Sentra Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) and also Center for International Law Studies. He also active expert at Southeast Asian Human Rights and Peace Study Network (SEAHRN). He worked as a Trade Lawyer at Indonesia Trade Assistance Project (ITAP) under USAID in Ministry of Trade, Indonesia. He is also a Chair of Research Committee at SHAPE-SEA Program, a collaborative network between ASEAN University Network (AUN) –SEAHRN.

Hadi Rahmat Purnama also gave a legal advice for numerous ministry and institutions in Indonesia, such as Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Investment / Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. In the Human Rights subject, Hadi Rahmat Purnama gave number of training in International Humanitarian Law with ICRC and various law enforcement institutions in Indonesia.

  1. Restorative Justice principles In Law Enforcement and Democracy in Indonesia, Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, JILS, 2022 (Co-Author)
  2. Asylum Seekers and Refugee Management:(Im) Balance Burden Sharing Case between Indonesia and Australia, Sriwijaya Law Review, 2022 (Co-Author)
  3. Indonesia and the Absence of a Yearbook on International Law, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2019 (Co-Author)
  4. Masyarakat Sipil Dan Mekanisme Asean Intergovernmental Commission On Human Rights: Studi Kasus International Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan, Vol 42, No 4, 2012
  5. Kemungkinan Perjanjian Internsional Di” Judicial Reviekan ”(Judicial Review on International Treaties before the Constitutional Court)(Co-Author), Jurnal Konstitusi, Vol. 3, No. 1, Febuari 2006
  6. Jaminan Terhadap Akses Informasi Dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan Yang Terbuka Dan Demokratis (Information Act and Democratic Government), “Teropong” MaPPI tahun 2002

Scopus ID : 57220211306
Orchid ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5282-8729
Sinta ID : 60002921