Rizky Banyualam Permana, S.H., LL.M


Rizky Banyualam Permana has been a teaching staff in the field of International Law Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia since 2020. Rizky holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in the field of international trade and investment law from Maastricht University, the Netherlands . Rizky’s research focus covers international trade law, international investment law, ASEAN, as well as aspects of international law related to digital technology.

Since the beginning of his teaching career, Rizky has been actively involved in various research activities. He joined as a researcher at, among others, the Djokosoetono Research Center (2016 – 2018), the FHUI Institute for International Legal Studies (2017 – present), and the Legal Center for International Trade and Investment FHUI (2019 – present).

Rizky is involved in activities with government institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry and private institutions on investment and international trade issues.

    1. The risk of imported floods haunts local entrepreneurs with the implementation of the world’s largest trade agreement, The Conversation Indonesia, 8 March 2022
    2. America will release the COVID-19 vaccine patent, what will be the impact on Indonesia and developing countries? The Conversation, July 7, 2021
    3. Learning from the lawsuit against Facebook in Europe: Indonesia needs an independent supervisory agency in protecting personal data The Conversation, 18 September 2020